Driving Directions
Section III Sites (Away Games)
Cortland School Sports Sites (Home Games)
**All directions are coming in from Interstate 81S. If you are traveling from Interstate 81N, get off the same exits but turn left off the exit ramp, towards McDonald's.
Cortland Jr-Sr. High School
Address: 8 Valley View Drive, Cortland, NY 13045
Cortland Exit 11, right towards McDonald's.
Stay in left lane onto Pomeroy Street.
Go straight until the "T" intersection.
Turn right at the intersection onto Port Watson Street.
Turn left onto Pendleton Street.
At the flashing yellow light on top of the hill, turn right onto Valley View Drive.
The school is on the left.
Barry School- Guido Field
Address: 210 Tompkins Field, Cortland
Cortland Exit 11, take tight towards McDonald's.
Stay in left lane onto Pomeroy Street.
Go straight until the “T” intersection.
Turn right onto Port Watson Street.
Port Watson becomes Tompkins Street (Rt 13).
Stay straight until after the railroad tracks.
Turn left into the parking lot for the fields.
Beaudry Park
Address: 38 Scammel Street, Cortland
Cortland Exit 11, take tight towards McDonald's.
Stay in left lane onto Pomeroy Street.
Go straight until the “T” intersection.
Turn right onto Port Watson Street.
At the 4th traffic light (be in the left lane), turn left onto South Main Street.
Turn right onto Scammel Street.
Park is on the left.
Gutchess Lumber Sports Complex
Address: 3111 Byrne Hollow Crossing, Cortland
Homer Exit 12, take the exit to Ithaca.
Go straight until the traffic light.
Turn left onto Rt 281.
Stay straight for about 6 miles.
Turn right into Gutchess Lumber Sports Complex.
JM McDonald Sports Complex
Address: 4292 Fairgrounds, Cortland
Homer Exit 12, take the exit to Ithaca.
Go straight until the traffic light.
Turn left onto Rt 281.
Turn left on Fisher Ave.
Take next right onto Fairgrounds Drive.
The complex is on the left.
Meldrim Field @ Randall School
Address: 31 Randall Street, Cortland
Cortland Exit 11, take tight towards McDonald's.
Stay in left lane onto Pomeroy Street.
Go straight until the “T” intersection.
First traffic light turn left onto Pendleton Street.
Take 1st right onto Randell Street.
The field is past the school on the left.
SUNY Cortland
Address: RT. 281, Cortland
- Homer Exit 12, take the exit to Ithaca.
Go straight until the traffic light.
Turn left onto Rt 281.
Stay straight for about 3 miles.
Turn left at the light for SUNY Cortland.
Parking is permitted in the lot on Rt 281.
Walden Oaks Country Club
Address: 3369 Walden Oaks, Cortland
Homer Exit 12, take the exit to Ithaca.
Go straight until the traffic light.
Turn left onto Rt 281.
Stay straight until the light at the Wal-Mart intersection.
Turn left onto Bennie Road.
Follow the road around and up the hill.
Entrance for golf course is on the left at top of hill.
Willowbrook Golf Club
Address: 326 NY Route 215, Cortland
Take Exit 11 for NY-13 toward Cortland/Ithaca.
Take right onto NY13s/Clinton Ave.
Turn right onto Clinton Ave.
Turn left onto Church Street.
Turn right onto Port Watson St.
Continue onto Tompkins St.
Turn left onto NY-215 S/Owego St.
The golf course is about 3 miles