Superintendent of Schools
Robert J. Edwards
Superintendent of Schools
Alicia Zupancic
Confidential Secretary/Board Clerk
1 Valley View Drive
Cortland, NY 13045
P: (607) 758-4100 ext. 2202
F: (607) 758-4109
Welcome Back Video LINK
Our District is composed of five schools: F.S. Barry Primary School (K-2), F.E. Smith Intermediate School (3-4), Randall Middle School (5-6), the Junior High School (7-8) and the Senior High School (9-12). Approximately 2400 students are educated and prepared for life by a dedicated and committed faculty and staff.
A strong reading and literacy based program at the elementary level provides students with comprehension and vocabulary skills, while matching students to text at their instructional level. The math program provides students with New York State Standards-based hands-on opportunities that result in increased skill levels. Students also receive instruction in special area courses, as well as many extra out-of-the-classroom learning experiences. The elementary schools receive strong parental support. Many volunteers assist with classroom activities and parent organizations at each school provide generous financial support for programs and activities not covered by the district budget.
Students receive meaningful instruction in each of the core area subjects at the junior high and high school levels. Instruction is skills-based and aligned with the New York State Standards. Students are also provided with opportunities to receive instruction in a wide variety of special area subjects such as: Family & Consumer Sciences, Technology Education, Art, Music, Physical Education, etc. Cortland is an active participant in BOCES programs such as Career and Technical Education and the Seven Valleys New Tech High School. Seven Valleys offers an interdisciplinary, project based learning environment. These courses provide students with a well-rounded education in our district.
The district is quite proud of its progress with Information Technology. The entire district also has wireless capability. Our District Technology Plan identifies Professional Development, Curriculum & Instruction, Planning/Communication/Evaluation, Attitudes, Resources (Human & Technical), and Funding as its goals. Students are provided with interactive instruction at all grade levels. Our strong performing arts, award-winning music, and athletic departments, and many others provide extraordinary co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities for students. Over 90% of our teams are scholar-athlete teams.
I would invite you to visit each of our school's web pages to learn more about our district and all that we offer here at the Cortland Enlarged City School District.
Robert J. Edwards, Superintendent of Schools