Technology support for district devices and distance learning is available by sending an email to or call 607-758-4188. You can expect someone to return your message from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Spectrum is offering discounts to households affected by the this virus. Beginning Monday, March 16, we’ll offer two free months of internet and WiFi services to new customers in households with Pre-K to 12 or college students who need remote education. This discount will be applied as a credit for your first two months of internet services. We’ll waive any installation or pre-payment fees to help get you started.
You can qualify for this offer if you:
- Have a student of qualifying age at your service address with remote education needs
- Have not subscribed to our internet services within the past 30 days
Call 1-855-243-8892 to sign up for this offer.