Jeremy Milligan
Department Chair
(607) 758-4110 ext. 1113
Lisa Barrett, Global II, Honors Global II, History Through Film.
Thomas Colt, Economics, Micro Economics, AP Politics.
Bob Gambitta, Philosophy 101
Jeff Gambitta, Global History II Special Education Teacher.
Caitlin Goodwin, US History and Participation in Government.
Nate Lindsey, Global History I Special Education Teacher.
Jeremy Milligan, Psychology, Holocaust, Global I and Enriched Global I.
David O'Donnell, US History, Honors US History.
Lily Portorsnok, Global II.
Jordan Prignon, Global I, Ancient Egypt.
Trevor Rohlin, US History Special Education Teacher.
Interested in emailing your child's teacher? All emails are first initial last name
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Feel free to contact the High School directly to speak to your child's teacher at (607) 758-4110, press 5 to speak to the main office secretary.