Parent Information
At Randall Middle School we value community and family engagement to build and nurture partnerships. We will work together to provide multiple opportunities for input, communication, and collaboration to support our students emotionally, socially and academically.We value and need your input to ensure the needs of students and their families are being met. Please reach out the school with any questions or suggestions you may have.
Class Schedule
All elementary schools in the district have transitioned to using a 6 day rotation schedule for special area classes (music, art, PE, and Library). All students will have the following specials during the 6 day rotation.
- 3x PE
- 2x Art, Music, Library
- ELA / Math - 90 minutes
- Science / Social Studies - 40 minutes
- Specials Areas - 40 minutes (3 of 6 days, students will have 2 specials)
- Lunch - 30 minutes
To provide consistency for students and ensure everyone is able to learn in a safe environment that is conducive to learning, district wide common expectations will be taught and reinforced throughout the school year. These expectations for "ROAR" conduct are:
- Respectful
- Open-Hearted
- Act Safely
- Responsible
Student Arrival
All walkers and parent drop off students will enter through the doors by the gym lobby from 8:10-8:30 AM. Bussers will enter through the bus lobby entrance. Staff will be positioned at entrances and throughout the hallways during arrival. Any students arriving after 8:30 AM must enter through the main entrance in the front of the building and will be signed in at the main office.
Student Dismissal
Dismissal will begin at approximately 3:10 PM. All walkers and students being picked up will be released via the gym lobby doors by the basketball court. If a student is being picked up early, please make arrangements no later than 1:00 PM.
Please remember to bring photo identification if you are picking up a student. Any individual who is picking up a student must be on the approved pickup list for that student(s). You may update this information at the school’s main office.
As in other recent years students and families do not need to purchase school supplies. All daily school supplies will be provided by the district and distributed by teachers. Students need to bring their own backpack and art smock.
Breakfast and lunch are provided for all students free of charge. Students will sign up for lunch daily during homeroom. Breakfast will be served as students enter from 8:10-8:30. Students will eat their breakfast in the classroom.
Classroom Dojo
Please connect with us through Classroom Dojo! This application allows you to communicate easily with your student’s teacher. You may receive class messages and updates, communicate directly with staff, and see student points as they demonstrate values of ROAR (Respectful, Open-Hearted, Act Safely, Responsible.)