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Modern Band

General Music


Sharon Phetteplace
Junior High School

Corinne Benett

Randall Middle School

Nicholas Murray
Smith Intermediate School



Playing an instrument is a rewarding and fun experience that helps teach discipline, teamwork, and concentration. Beginning in the end of 3rd grade, Cortland students are given the opportunity to beginning taking lessons on an instrument best suited for their natural abilities. Their skill is refined through individual and group lessons, ensemble playing and various performance opportunities. The can progress into higher level ensembles and select ensembles which continue to challenge and inspire them. These opportunities all help shape them into successful, lifelong musicians. 

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Sharon Phetteplace

Sharon Phetteplace

Junior High Concert Band

Open to students in grades 7-8.  Rehearsals are every other day during the school day. This is a performing ensemble for all students transitioning to and playing at an intermediate level.  

Grades 7-12 Band Lab

Open to students in grades 7-12.  Rehearsals are every other day during the school day.  This is a beginning ensemble for students who have never played an instrument before or are looking to develop their skills.

Instrumental Lessons

Lessons for all students in grades 7-8 who play flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, saxophone, french horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba, or percussion

Pep Band

Open to all students grades 7-12.  This ensemble meets after school and performs in the stadium during football games.

Nicholas Murray

Smith Intermediate School

Elementary Band at Smith Intermediate School is a concert experience involving 3rd and 4th grade students. Students begin band lessons half way through 3rd grade; just after February break. Full band rehearsal begins in 4th grade.

Elementary Instrumental Lessons 

Individual and small group lessons for students in grades 3 and 4 who play any of the traditional concert band instruments: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone, or Percussion.

Corinne Bennett

Randall Middle School

Randall Middle School band is a concert experience involving 5th and 6th grade students.  Students who participated in band at Smith in 3rd and 4th grade are invited to participate in band rehearsals at Randall Middle School.

Elementary Instrumental Lessons

Individual or small group lessons for students in grades 5-6 who play any of the traditional concert band instruments are offered once per six-day cycle during the school day.


This group is offered after school and is a select group that plays a wide variety of musical genres.  This group performs on different concerts throughout the school year.