A fundamental shift in the type of data we emphasize and the way in which we use it has to occur if we want data to make a difference in the classroom. We have to us common, formative assessments (classroom-based as well as common formative assessments). The research is clear, formative assessment can make a difference on classroom practice and can make a difference in student achievement. In fact, it can make a bigger difference in student learning than just about anything else we can do in our classrooms.
Here are some general resources about assessment:
- Six Shifts of Data Driven Instruction
- Balanced Assessment System
- Why Should We Use Formative Assessments? Reproducible from Solution Tree, Learning by Doing
- Why Should We Use Common Assessments? Reproducible from Solution Tree, Learning by Doing
- Assessment Crisis: The Absence of Assessment For Learning (article by Rick Stiggins)
- Moving Toward a Comprehensive Assessment System: A Framework for Considering Interim Assessments (article by Perie, Marion, & Gong)
- Formative Assessment: An Enabler of Learning (article by Margaret Heritage)
- Performance Assessment
- Performance Assessment Resource Bank
- McTighe's Performance Task site
- Performance assessment websites
- October 19 PD Day slides from Ginny Mahlke