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Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (and Response To Intervention)

The Cortland Enlarged City School District is committed to high levels of learning for all learners.

We will provide a comprehensive program to all graduates to be world-ready (college and career ready).

  • The district will develop and implement a comprehensive, aligned, K-12 program.
  • The district will facilitate the development of a common understanding and language of high quality instruction and engagement.
  • Program offerings will include opportunities for extension, acceleration, enrichment, concurrent enrollment, and academic challenge, responding to student choice and interest.
We will provide the additional time and support needed for students who have not yet mastered essential skills and understandings.
  • Teacher teams (and interventionists and special educators, as appropriate) will work collaboratively to identify necessary instructional adjustments and interventions.
  • Schedules will include time for students to receive additional instruction as necessary to master essential skills and understandings.
  • A system of interventions will be provided to ensure that all students master essential academic and behavioral learning.
MTSS/RTI is both a set of systems and a culture:
  • Collective Responsibility: A shared belief that the primary responsibility of each member of the organization is to ensure high levels of learning for every child.  We will need the entire school working together to make it successful.
  • Concentrated Instruction: A systematic process of identifying essential knowledge and skills that all students must master to learn at high levels, and determining the specific learning needs for each child to get there.  We are in the process of doing part of this with identifying essential standards.
  • Convergent Assessment: An ongoing process of collectively analyzing target evidence to determine the specific learning needs of each child and the effectiveness of instruction. We are in the process of doing part of this with our common formative assessments and collaborative looking at student work.
  • Certain Access: A systematic process that guarantees every student will receive the time and support needed to learn at high levels.  This starts with the decisions that teams of teachers make during their common planning time. We as a committee and school community will need to figure out how we can ensure that every student is getting the time and support needed.

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MTSS/RTI Resources

The 4 Cs of MTSS/RTI Elementary Processes and Procedures Secondary Processes and Procedures Secondary IST
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