Health Services I Cortland Enlarged City School District | Cortland Enlarged City School District 1 Valley View Drive Cortland NY 13045 607 758-4100 |
Barry Primary - Elizabeth Chapman, RN and Bridget McMahon, RN
Smith Intermediate - Renee Butler, RN
Randall Middle - Amy Bana, RN
Junior High - Melody Scanlon, RN
High School - Victoria Myers, RN
St. Mary's - Melody Scanlon, RN
Home |
School |
Community |
A liaison between home and school regarding health concerns: |
Conducts health screening: |
Acts as a liaison between home, school, and community resources |
Participates in Parent-Nurse conferences |
Provides emergency first aid |
Makes referrals to appropriate community resources |
Provides information for community resources |
Evaluates and assesses health needs: |
Participates in professional conferences with community agencies |
Provides information for community resources |
Provides health counseling: |
Serves as a resource person for community agencies |
Involves self with Parent groups |
Implements and monitors students' compliance with state immunization laws |
Is a member of the community interdisciplinary teams |
Provides promotional activities for health care |
Special education team member: |
Provides expertise as a liaison to community service organizations |
Conducts health-related classroom presentations |
Serves as liaison for recording and reporting child abuse to appropriate department of social services |
Monitors communicable and nuisance diseases |
Acts as a resource person for faculty and staff |
New York State Recommended Childhood Vaccination Schedule
2022-2023 School Year NYS Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance
In order to start kindergarten your child must meet the minimum (your child may have more than the minimum) requirements for school entrance:
*Four to five doses of DPT.
*Three or four doses of Polio (IPV/OPV).
*One dose of MMR and the second dose between the ages of four and six.
*Three doses of Hepatitis B.
*Two dose of Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine or doctor documented (date & signature) proof of disease. This requirement applies to all children born on or after January 1, 2000.
*Since September 1, 2007, all students born on or after January 1, 1994 AND entering 6th grade on or after September 1, 2007 are required to have a booster shot of Tdap (Tetanus, Diptheria and Acellular Pertussis). *Since July, 2014, all students entering 6th grade are also required to have a booster shot of Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine or doctor documented (date & signature) proof of disease.
*The number of doses depends on the schedule recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP)
Starting in grade 7, all students are required to have one dose of the Meningitis vaccine. Grade 12, all students are required to have two doses (or 1 if after the age of 16) of the Meningitis vaccine.
New York State Education Law requires a physical exam of children when they:
*Enter a school district for the first time (including all kindergarten students).
*Are in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11
*Participate in interscholastic sports (required yearly).
*Need working papers.
*Are referred by/to the Committee of Special Education.
*Are deemed necessary by school authorities to determine a child's education program.
New York State is requesting a Dental Health Certificate on all new entrants and students in grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.
New York State Education Law requires that any student who needs to take medication during the school day provide:
*A written order from the physician for prescription and non-prescription medications.
*Medication in a properly labeled (pharmacy or original) container.
*A written request from the parent for administration of the medication.
New York State Education Law requires:
*Hearing screening to be performed annually to students in grades K,1, 3, 5, 7 and grade 11,
and to all new entrants.
*Vision screening to be performed annually to students in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, and all new entrants.
*Scoliosis screening must be performed annually to all students in grades 5 and 7 (girls only) and grade 9 (boys only).
Please do not send a sick or injured child to school with the intention that they will be diagnosed and treated by the nurse. The school nurse is not a medical diagnostician.
Any child displaying the symptoms of fever, vomiting, diarrhea, undiagnosed rashes, sore throat, ear pain, productive cough or wheezing, drainage from wounds, redness or drainage from eyes should not come to school until seen, diagnosed and treated by their personal physician.
Center for Disease Control |
American Diabetes Association | |
The National Pediculosis Association |
American Lung Association |
The Merck Manuals | |
American Heart Association |
The American Cancer Society |