New District Mission, Vision, Commitments and Goals

Our fundamental purpose is to ensure high levels of learning for every student.
We help every student be ready for career, college, and citizenship having reached competency in our essential social emotional and academic learning standards.
- Hold high expectations for all;
- Build a shared knowledge and commitment to our mission, vision, collective commitments, and interdependent goals through modeling, acknowledging, and celebrating;
- Instructional
- Program
- Policy
- Fiscal
- Make decisions that are aligned with our mission and vision and that are data-driven
- Involve stakeholders (community, staff & students) in the learning process;
- Create and maintain a positive, safe, and secure learning environment for all;
- Ensure a collaborative culture exists, focused on continuous improvement and learning for everyone;
- Provide collaborative teams with time, direction, feedback, training, and resources to support them in their work.
We commit to a progressive learning environment that promotes the development of every student, staff and board member as a whole person.
All K-8 students will score proficiently on (ELA) AIMSwebPLUS benchmark assessment and/or meet the expected growth by the spring benchmark.
All K-8 students will be proficient and/or make the expected amount of growth (Math) by the spring benchmark.
Every student will graduate, after four years of high school.
Every high school student will be enrolled in 6.5 credits.
Every high school student will achieve at least 6.5 credits annually.
We will increase the number of secondary students who achieve Advanced Placement or Concurrent Enrollment credit.
We will cultivate Pride in the school community through student empowerment, while celebrating success, supporting each other through growth, and honoring every voice.
We will reduce chronic absenteeism.
Every 7-12 student will engage in at least one extra- or co-curricular activity.