Curriculum and Instruction
School Improvement |
District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP) Planning Document District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP) 2024-25 School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) |
Cortland High School |
Junior High School |
Barry Primary School |
Smith Intermediate School |
Randall Middle School |
Superintendent of Schools | 607-758-4100 |
Buildings & Grounds | 607-758-4100 ext.1049 |
Business Office | 607-758-4100 |
Curriculum and Instruction | 607-758-4100 |
Special Education | 607-758-4100 |
Technology | 607 758 4100 ext 4198 |
Transportation | 607-758-4123 |
School Improvement |
District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP) Planning Document District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP) 2024-25 School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) |