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Randall Middle School Adds an In-Person Class

This year has required flexibility and planning to ensure student learning. Included in this is a provision of the learning model that best fits the learning and needs of each student and their family. As this year has progressed, many families have requested a shift from remote to in-person learning for their student(s). Due to social distancing and the guidelines for schools during the pandemic, seating capacity within each classroom is limited. Each room has a maximum capacity based on layout and square footage. Prior to the start of the year, the seat capacity at Randall Middle was by moving classes into the largest rooms, including the cafeteria and library. Once the seat capacity was reached and a waitlist started to form, we began to explore additional options to meet the needs of families and students for in-person attendance.  

Prior to the February break a decision was made to shift one of the remote learning teachers to in-person learning. This decision posed some additional challenges including scheduling, location, transportation, and learning for students currently in the remote learning section. Some flexibility was planned for in the beginning of the year and a rotation for lunch and specials was available. A space was set up in an open classroom and transportation was checked. To help ensure each student was able to continue having their needs met, an offer was made to each family to have their child begin attending in-person with their current remote teacher. On February 22nd, Mr. Wallis moved from remote to in-person learning and has been engaging a group of new and familiar learners since.