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Spreading COVID-19 Awareness Through Hand Made Masks

By Victoria Ramiza, 8th Grader, Cortland Jr. High School.

P.S I Love You Day was the second Friday of February. It helped to bring awareness to mental health, bullying, depression, and suicide. The Cortland Jr/Sr High School is one of several schools that spreads these messages in many different ways. 

The P.S I Love You group has made T-shirts to sell as a fundraiser as one way to spread the message in the past. This year, they have taken a different approach: Masks! Since everyone is now required to wear masks at school and other public places, masks are an effective way to spread awareness during the pandemic. Teachers in the Jr. High have donated several masks to the fundraiser. Some have gotten together after school to cut out and sew masks. Team 3 math teacher, Mrs. Henry had the idea to come together to make the masks. She has been making masks since the beginning of the pandemic and has donated over 2000 of them to hospitals and doctors offices.