Molecular cloud in protostar formation.


Protostar Quiz















Questions:  White Dwarfs












                                                                                                   by Sam Narby

Main Sequence Stars Question Sheet                                                                 Period 2

1. What is an important property that characterizes a Main Sequence Star?

2. If there is no hydrostatic equilibrium in a Main Sequence Star, what will happen?

3. Name two ways energy is carried by a Main Sequence star.

4. What is opacity and how does it relate to radiation?

5. What happens when opacity is too high?

6. Where are Main Sequence Stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram?

7. What is the variable that makes a Main Sequence Star lower or higher on the diagram?

8. A Main Sequence Star is burning hydrogen into _________.


9. What percent of a star’s life is spent in the Main Sequence stage?


10. Name 3 stars that are currently in the Main Sequence Stage.